
  1. DNS
    1. host command
    2. dig command
    3. DNS Zone Transfers
    4. DNS Recon
    5. DNS Enum
  2. SNMP
    1. OneSixtyOne
    2. snmpwalk
    3. snmpcheck


NMAP DNS Hostnames Lookup

nmap -F --dns-server <dns server ip> <target ip range>

Using Host

Host Lookup

host -t ns example.com

Host - Finding DNS / MX / AAAA / A

host <domain> <optional_name_server>
host -t ns <domain>           -- Name Servers
host -t a <domain>            -- Address
host -t aaaa <domain>         -- AAAA record points a domain or subdomain to an IPv6 address
host -t mx <domain>           -- Mail Servers
host -t soa <domain>          -- Start of Authority
host <IP>                     -- Reverse Lookup

Reverse Lookup Brute Force - find domains in the same range

for ip in $(seq 1 255);do host 10.0.0.$ip;done | grep -v "not found"

Using DIG

Perform DNS IP Lookup

dig a example.com @nameserver

Perform MX Record Lookup

dig mx example.com @nameserver

Perform Zone Transfer with DIG

dig axfr example.com @nameserver

DNS Zone Transfers

Windows DNS zone transfer

nslookup -> set type=any -> ls -d example.com

Linux DNS zone transfer

dig axfr example.com @ns1.example.com


nslookup - <optional_name_server>
set type=mx
set type=ns


Dnsrecon DNS Brute Force

dnsrecon -d TARGET -D /usr/share/wordlists/dnsmap.txt -t std --xml ouput.xml

Dnsrecon DNS List of example

dnsrecon -d example.com -t axfr


dnsenum example.com


NOTE: The target must have port UDP 161 open for SNMP enumeration.


OneSixtyOne is a good tool to use when you don't know the Community names, it has bruteforce capability.

onesixtyone -c communityDict.txt -i hosts.txt -o result.log -w 150

-c           -- File with community names to try
-i           -- File with target hosts
-o           -- Output log
-w           -- Wait n milliseconds (1/1000 of a second) between sending packets (default 10)
-d           -- Debug mode, use twice for more information
-q           -- Quiet mode, do not print log to stdout, use with -l


snmpwalk -­c public ­‐v1 <IP Address>  : Enumerates the Entire MIB Tree
snmpwalk -­c public ­‐v1 <IP Address>  <MIB Tree Number> : Enumerates a particular node

-v 1|2c|3           -- Specifies SNMP version to use
-c COMMUNITY        -- Set the community string


snmpcheck -t <IP>

-c           -- SNMP community; default is public
-v           -- SNMP version (1,2); default is 1
-w           -- Detect write access (separate action by enumeration)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""